Friday, February 11, 2011

1102 2011 Reversed Date, Yes it is!


Such an epic date. Today`s pretty fine. Got no exam, canceled exam, that is. Got no class because the whole block decided not to attend. Stayed at home the whole day alone, and I loved it. Spend the day eating all the edible stuff that pleased me and having a The Vampire Diaries marathon. How can I not be happy watching one of my favourite series and seeing all the scorching hot men, half-naked in front of me. I almost drooled. I wasn`t kidding, they sure add spice on the show.

I think I got carried away that it got me to thinking I`m a vampire too. I was holding a clip, I got gigil so I was pressing it just light then there, it suddenly broke. Yeah, I thought I was strong enough like a vampire that I haven`t even put much pressure on it yet it broke. I`m so weird, am I not?

If today`s epic, tomorrow`s doomed. Advanced Accounting exam, 8 AM. And I know nothing. Stocked knowledge is all there is. Well at least it`s the 12th, I don`t want to feel unlucky on a 13th, you know.

But I`ll be studying, yes. After this, silly.

And today, I also lied. I lied about being in school. My parents thought I have classes but yeah, I did not attend. I had my allowance. I also felt like I am betraying someone, talking something about this someone, behind his back. But that did not take too long, just a good, ugh I mean bad, 30 minutes. I`m sorry.

I witnessed tonight`s 11:11 too. I did not wish to pass tomorrow`s exam `cos I know I`ll be able to do it without even wishing. I don`t want to put tonight`s wish to waste so I wished for something unusual to others instead. I just wish I`d be able to wake up tomorrow, by myself. I got an exam at 8 AM, I told my parents about it and it seems like they are not in the mood to wake me up. Yup, another weakness, I can`t wake up earlier than 9:00 just by myself. Oh, please help me wake up tomorrow. I gotta go, I still need to review. Oh, and I cheated again. I cheated about tonight`s 11:11. But still, I`m hoping I`ll wake up. By myself.

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